So I've been on and off the wagon for a bit now.  Most of the time I have been eating very healthy, but once a week I will eat out, or I will get that delicious coffee drink.  Technically it's a YOLO meal, but you aren't supposed to have more than one in a week.

I got my Focus T25 on Saturday, and I am loving it! I never thought I could sweat so much in just 25 minutes! Plus you get a 5 day fast track to jump start your weight loss.  I am used to working out for 1 to 2 hours a day, so only working out for 25 minutes a days is killing me! I don't understand how this tiny workout can transform my body. I'm thinking that after the first week, I am doubling up! I will be doing two 25 minute videos a day, that way it's basically 1 hour worth of exercising. Plus I will be doing it on Saturday's too, even though it's not part of the program.  There's no way I could go all weekend with exercising. I would feel like a fat lazy pig.  

Today was day 1 of my fast track, and boy was it hard! The fast track is all really healthy food, but you are only allowed to eat 1100 calories!!! That's like nothing! I got so hungry today in the middle of the afternoon, I was looking for anything I could eat. I had a bad headache all day, and I was expecting that because I didn't have any coffee. That's the part that's killing me. I can go without eating, but I always have coffee! 

Plus my stomach was hurting really bad today, and I thought it was because I was hungry, but I realized it was just cramps! When I get cramps, I get cramps from Hell. Literally, it feels like someone is ripping up my insides, and it's hard to concentrate on anything else because it hurts so bad. Thankfully it wasn't that bad today.  I'm so mad that I'm PMS'ing while doing this fast track! So not good, considering I want to eat anything and everything, and I am in that mood where my willpower is shot. But today wasn't that bad. I allowed myself some dark chocolate because that's my one treat at the end of the day, but I ended up eating a lot more than I should have. Tomorrow will be better, I can just tell.  

I weighed myself yesterday, and I have lost 2 pounds since January 1st! It's not a lot, I know. But I have been cheating occasionally, and it's definitely better than not losing any at all! 

Well, it's way past my bedtime. Gotta get some ZZZ's!  

I hope everyone has a lovely and healthy Tuesday! 


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