I am a health & fitness fanatic! I am always trying to watch what I eat, and eat healthy. I try to workout at least 5 or 6 times a week.  For me, it's the food that gets to me. I'm not one of those people that think soda is a "chemical shit storm" or poison. I love soda, and I love fast food, but I know it's not healthy. I'm not too big of sweets person (thank God) but I do like to eat really unhealthy food. I have been doing good the past two months. Eating healthy and exercising a lot! Then the holidays came, and well I have worked out for about two weeks now. I'm sure I'm going to regret that tomorrow when I start working out again!  I have been trying to lose weight for years, and somehow diet and exercise just isn't working.  Now that my current job is an office job where I sit at a desk all day, I really need to make sure I'm eating healthy and exercising otherwise I'm going to GAIN weight!  For me, working out is like the best drug ever. I really love the high you get after you finish a great workout! It's also a really good stress reliever. Whenever I'm in a bad mood, I workout, and when I'm done I feel so much better!  In December, I joined a 12 Week New Body Makeover created by Blogilates creator Cassey Ho.  I have quickly fallen in love with Blogilates! She is such a fabulous woman who posts workout calendars, meal plans, and workout videos FOR FREE!! She motivates me so much to keep going and don't give up!  The community that she has created really helps you to feel like you're not doing it alone, there are hundreds of other girls and guys doing it! January means we are starting Phase 2! 

I am so excited for January! It's going to be a tough month, but I know I can do it! Cassey created a group on Dietbet, so you bet $30 that you will lose 4% of your body weight by January 31st, and if you do, you get your $30 back, plus a share of the pot! The pot is at $80,000!!! That is SO much money I can't even believe it!! 

Like I said, she gives us meal plans to follow, but I'm a very picky eater, so I changed mine up a bit. I still ate healthy, but I think I was eating too much, because I did not lose hardly any weight in December.  So, since the stakes are higher, and I am really dedicated to this, I am really going hard with this one.  I am going to do the Special K Challenge, because I am one of those people that doesn't lose weight, I gain muscle, which mains I GAIN weight! That is so not what i'm trying to do! I'm not really sure if doing the Special K Challenge is cheating, or not. You just have to lose weight, it never says how you do it.  I know that the challenge isn't technically "being healthy"  because you aren't eating all the main food groups and plus you are eating processed food. However for my one meal a day that I get to choose, I will eat lean protein, two servings of vegetables, and maybe a starch.  I will get my serving of fruit in the morning with breakfast. I don't think it's that bad, especially with all the different diets out there.  I would really love all the support and motivation I can get!! Losing weight is really tough battle, and I am ready for war!  Being healthy and fit is a lifestyle, not a diet.  January for me, is definitely hardcore diet month, but once I lose some weight, I will just focus on being healthy and exercising.

If anyone has any questions, or comments, please feel free to talk to me!! I love helping people out, or helping them get started with their fitness journey! It really is the best decision you can make.  Having someone to help you and motivate you makes it so much easier as well!    I will be posting my starting stats t

Much love xx 

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