There's only two days left of my first week of doing the Special K Challenge and I can honestly say I'm surprised how well I am doing! Over the weekend, I managed to stay on my diet, and I exercised a lot to keep my mind off of food!  I'm not saying this isn't hard. It's very hard! I have these moments where I feel utterly desperate to eat ANYTHING, but I just keep thinking, ' No. I can't eat that. I need to keep going. I need to do this.'  Eventually the moment passes, and I am so relieved that I did not cheat.  I have been trying really hard to count all my calories but that's really hard depending on what you eat.  If I were to cook a balanced meal, (which I plan on cooking this meal for dinner tomorrow) like grilled shirmp, broccoli and brown rice. I don't know how to tell exact calories in that meal, but I know it's balanced and healthy.  It's one of my favorite healthy meals. Is anyone else out there starting a new healthy, and fit lifestyle for the new year? Or maybe you're just a fit and healthy person in general? Well good for you! I think it is so so important in today's world that more and more people become aware of what they're eating and how their body is responding.  I'm not sure what the statistics are, but I feel like it's over half of US citizens are obese or considered overweight.  Based on BMI, I myself am considered overweight.  However, I am a fit and active person trying to lose weight, rather than just eating more and gaining more.  It seems like so many people that are overweight just don't even care, and they keep eating.  
I've heard that they consider obesity a disease, or a disability? I find both of them quite redundant. It can be a disease in a sense that it takes over your life and your health, and sometimes it's out of your control.  Most of the time, though, it is in your control.  I don't see it as a disability, simply because it's something you've done to yourself. Whether you were born with the genes, or you just have a sweet tooth. Yes, life is harder when you are overweight, but claiming it a disability is like claiming you hate the world from getting lung cancer even though you've been smoking your entire life.  You did it to yourself! I've heard so many different stories, and lawsuits, and all of it is just ridiculous! I am so glad that Michelle Obama is a leader for the fitness and health movement. She is concerned for our future - the children.  More and more children are now obese, probably the most than ever before.  People want pity for everything nowadays, and frankly I think the world needs to toughen up.  If you are overweight, and you want to sit there and complain how it's a disability and how much you hate being overweight, then you need to stop complaining and DO SOMETHING! You didn't magically become overweight overnight. You did that, and you can change! Anyone can change! I've seen so many before and after photos and every one of them makes me smile.  Even my mom has lost a lot of weight and she looked amazing. 
Losing the weight isn't even the hard part. It's keeping it off. I know I seem to be talking a big game for someone who has been dieting/exercising on and off for several years now, but I have read so many books, and tried several diets, so I speak from experience. I have successfully lost weight, slowly! But I never kept it off.  I'm the type of person who goes on a diet for a month or two, and then I lost a little weight. Then I go off the diet and eat whatever I want, and I don't continue to workout, so I just gain it back. In high school, my body caught up with what I was eating.  At 20 years old, I am the heaviest I've ever weighed, and I've been stuck at this weight for about 6 months to a year.  That's why this time it's different. I am so ready for change and I am ready to work for my body! I can't wait to get fit enough to start P90X! I want to get ripped SO bad! 

Losing weight is such a long, and difficult journey, but once you get started, it's not so bad. If you go into it thinking you will lose a ton of weight in a week, you are going to be disappointed.  Most people can barely lose 2 pounds a week.  It all depends on what you eat, how much you eat, and how much you exercise.  

For anyone who is looking for a life change, a new start, or maybe you're just looking for a new workout program, I strongly recommend Blogilates! It is cardio and Pilates and HIIT workouts! She even created HITTilates! She really makes working out easy, by telling you exactly what workouts to do on what day, and all you have to do is watch the video. Nothing else required, except maybe a treadmill from time to time. It's really a great website and community, and I am so glad and thankful that I found it! She is really motivating and inspiring!  

My first weigh-in is this Friday and I am SO nervous! What if I barely lost any weight? I have been busting my butt to maintain a 1200 calorie diet as well as exercising 6 or 7 days in a row.  I know it's only week 1, and i'm not really in a rush, except for the Dietbet I did for Blogilates! I have to lose 8 pounds this month! Everyday is crucial!   

I will post my weigh-in on Friday! Wish me luck! (= 

Much love xx

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